Kurucu üyesi olduğumuz GLBA - Global Local Branding Alliance 2016 yarı yıl toplantısı Çin'in Chengdu kentinde gerçekleşti. Toplantı paralelinde düzenlenen konferans ve sergide New York, Berlin, Moskova, Sao Paulo ve Johannesburg ile beraber İstanbul'dan Orhan Irmak Tasarım'ın projeleri yer aldı. Toplantının kurumsal kimliğini hazırlayan GLBA Şanghay temsilcisi Flamesun, GLBA üyesi yedi ülkenin bayraklarını...

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İstanbul’un en güzel semtlerinden birisi olan Anadolu Hisarı’ndaki yeni ofisimize taşındık. Yeşil bir bahçe içerisinde yer alan iki villanın birleştirilmesiyle oluşturulan ofis projemiz sayesinde artık çok daha geniş ve keyifli bir çalışma ortamına sahibiz.   Dört katta yaklaşık 650 metrekarelik bir alana yayılan yeni ofisimizde bahçe katını eğlenceli vakit geçirmek üzere düzenledik. Birinci ve ikinci...

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The semi-annual meeting of GLBA took place between 17-18 September 2015 in Moscow. There was again an intense but at the same time enjoyable agenda for the members. In the first day, all of the GLBA members met at the design office of the Depot WPF - GLBA Member in Russia - to evaluate the last six months’ progress of GLBA, exchange experiences about the joint packaging design projects and discuss the strategies for the future. In the...

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16. Kyiv International Advertisement Festival was held between 28-29 May in Ukrain. Dr. Orhan Irmak was selected as the chairman of the design jury. He also made a speech at the Best Marketing Practices Conference that was held within the festival. The best of the contest award in design category was given to calender design “Daily Experiment” for BASF by Saatchi & Saatchi Ukraine.  The best agency of the festival was Young & Rubicam FMS...

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Dr. Orhan Irmak and Gökhan Irmak attended the second semi-annual meeting of GLBA representing Orhan Irmak Tasarım. The meeting was held between 26-27 February in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting of GLBA members followed by a breakfast with clients, which were from various sectors e.g. fast food, alcoholic beverage, pharmaceuticals and FMCG. Two days meeting in Johannesburg were followed by an unforgettable two days safari experience...

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